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建交45周年 中莫国际合作迈入深水区

2020-08-19 12:49     中国发展网

中国发展网8月19日讯 2020年6月25日是中国与莫桑比克建交45周年纪念日,8月7日,莫桑比克驻华大使玛丽亚·古斯塔瓦在接受《中国经济导报》中国发展网编辑专访时高度评价莫中双边关系,“我们不仅要巩固目前已经取得的成绩,还要拓展和加深各个领域的合作。我们希望双方政府、企业和人民之间,实现全方位合作与交流。”



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最近的一组数据显示,莫桑比克马普托港停靠船只规模创新纪录,自该码头完成一期重建以来,越来越多的腹地进出口商从该港口优越的供应链解决方案中受益,码头吞吐量呈指数增长,2019年较2018年增长了53%。在3月初的莫桑比克媒体《Carta de Moçambique》报道,莫桑比克统计局表明该国去年对中国出口的木材总值3,550万美元,同比增长12.7%。从以上两组数据可以看到未来莫桑比克的港口经济发展潜力巨大。

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站在中莫建交45周年的历史节点上,古斯塔瓦大使表示出莫桑比克希望与中国在互相信任、互利共赢的基础上进行多领域的广泛合作的决心,她希望中莫两国最大限度地发挥彼此的优势,而基础设施、农业、能源、旅游业和制造业是莫桑比克优先发展的领域,蕴藏巨大发展潜力和发展机遇。(记者:刘沐琪 摄影:杨爽)


China-Mozambique celebrated 45th Anniversary of bilateral cooperation and their relationship goes deep

-- Interview with Mozambique Ambassador to China, H.E Maria Gustava 

On June 25, 2020, Mozambique celebrated its 45th years of Independence, coinciding with the celebrations of 45 anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Mozambique. In this context, on August 7, Mozambican Ambassador to China, H.E. Maria Gustava talked to the China Economic Herald China Development network editor on the bilateral relations and underline that "we are not only consolidating our relationship and the achievements, but also expand and deepen cooperation in various fields. We hope to see all-round cooperation and exchanges between the governments, businesses and people to people of the two sides”.

The establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between the two countries in 2016 has further deepened the traditional friendship and political mutual trust between China and Mozambique, and the bilateral friendly cooperation enjoys huge potential and promising prospects in the future. Ambassador Gustava said that although the spread of COVID-19 has brought great uncertainty to the development of the global economy and caused serious impact and major challenges to China and the world economy, Mozambique is still enthusiastic about welcoming Chinese investors and hopes to strengthen its sincerity in strengthening international cooperation with China.

"In the second quarter of 2020, China's GDP grew by 3.2% over the same period of last year. Despite the negative growth of 1.6% in the first half of the year, China's economy rebounded in a 'V' shape in the second quarter, making China the only major economy in the world capable of rapidly resuming economic growth while effectively controlling the epidemic." Ambassador Gustava praised China's achievements in effectively controlling the epidemic and developing its economy, saying that the "One Belt And One Road" initiative has created a rare opportunity for African countries to enhance connectivity. Mozambique can not only become an important sea passage for landlocked African countries, but also become an important gateway for Chinese enterprises to enter the African continent.

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Geographical location of Mozambique

Mozambique is located in southeast Africa, facing Madagascar across the Mozambique Channel. It is an important outlet to the sea and a regional transportation corridor for landlocked countries in southeast Africa, and a natural extension of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" in Africa. Following the signing of the MOU on jointly promoting the "One Belt And One Road" in 2016, China and Mozambique signed a cooperation plan on jointly promoting the "One Belt And One Road" in 2018.

Mozambique occupies a natural and advantageous geographical position. It not only has three major ports, railways, oil and gas pipelines, roads and other infrastructure, but also serves as a gateway for the COUNTRIES of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Through Mozambique, it can enhance connectivity with the landlocked countries of its region such as Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, including South Africa. Ambassador Gustava stressed that Mozambique has fertile land, mineral resources, water resources and oil and gas resources, as well as a large young and competitive population and well-educated providing an adequate workforce. Mozambique has been one of sub-Saharan Africa's fastest growing economies over the past decade.

In addition, the Ambassador Gustava said that Mozambique provides attractive fiscal incentives and other supporting the reward policies, she said, for example that Mozambique and Portugal, Italy, South Africa, Mauritius, the united Arab emirates (UAE), India, Vietnam and other countries and regions have signed an agreement to avoid double taxation and tax evasion.

According to Ambassador Gustava, Wanbao Project in Gaza Province is being developed in cooperation with local farmers, therefore, not only improves the productivity of farmers, but also helps local farmers acquire advanced agricultural technologies. A steady supply of over 13,000 tons of rice each year has ensured the food security of the surrounding markets, strengthened the confidence of the Mozambican and improving the living standards of the local people. With more than 10 years of operation, the rice grain output of the project is reaching a new high year after year, and the planting scale, yield and cooperative farmers have achieved very good goals. A small-scale agricultural ecological demonstration park has been established, which promotes the sustainable development of the project and opens a new horizon for local agricultural development.

In November 2018, the Maputo Bridge and Connecting Line project, contracted by China Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd. was officially opened to traffic, becoming an important part of the main road connecting the north and south of Mozambique and South Africa. Among them, Maputo Bridge with a length of 3 kilometers and a main span of 680 meters has become the largest suspension bridge in Africa, which is called by the two governments as "One Belt And One Road" flagship project built in the local area.

In addition to the Maputo Bridge, Gustava said that the Beira fishing Pier restoration project is another achievement of china-Mozambique friendly relations. The project, financed by a loan from The Export-Import Bank of China and built by China Harbor, was delivered to the local government in October 2019. The newly restored pier, with 377 meters of shoreline, eight berths for fishing vessels and a 5, 000-square-metre cold storage facility, can provide more specialized services for large fishing vessels.

A recent set of data shows that the port of Maputo in Mozambique has set a record for the number of ships docked. Since the completion of the first phase of the port's reconstruction, more and more hinterland importers and exporters have benefited from the port's superior supply chain solutions, with terminal throughput increasing exponentially, increasing by 53% in 2019 compared with 2018. In early March, Mozambican statistics bureau reported that the country exported timber worth $35.5 million to China last year, up 12.7 percent from a year earlier, Carta de Moçambique reported. From the above two sets of data, it can be seen that the port economic development potential of Mozambique is huge in the future.

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At the scene of the interview

According to Ambassador Gustava, Mozambique’s transformation and upgrading of economic structure in the country, efforts to improve international competitiveness and diversification, and hope to seize the opportunities brought by economic globalization, China has been an important economic development partner of Mozambique, especially in the process of economic transformation and upgrading which is more highlights the importance of the partnership. The historic and fruitful cooperation between the two countries proves that there is still more room for cooperation in the future. The establishment of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries marks the determination of both sides to further broaden and deepen bilateral cooperative relations. With regard to the future of china-Mozambique cooperation, Ambassador Gustava hoped to carry out practical cooperation with China on projects that benefit people's livelihood, fully tap the potential of human resources, organize talent training teams in accordance with market needs and expand the enrollment scale through the establishment of vocational education institutions.

Standing in the history of the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the sides, Ambassador Gustava expressed Mozambican hope for further strengthening and expansion of bilateral and friendly relations with China on the basis of mutual trust, mutual benefit and win-win results in our fields of cooperation. She hopes that the two countries can maximize the strengths of each other and promote more cooperation in area of infrastructure, agriculture, energy, tourism and manufacturing as they constitute the priorities for the country and provide opportunities and potential for growth as well as for the economic development of Mozambique.
